Friday 20 December 2013

Exclusive Guillem Balague interview with Giffnock SC

Guillem Ballague, author/journalist/pundit for Sky Sports Spanish football, recently visited Glasgow as part of his UK tour talking to audiences about his new book 'Messi' and other football topics. Guillem very generously agreed to chat with me before the show and I asked him some questions about developing styles at clubs and growing players for the game.

George: Joe Habib asked: 'would it be possible or how would it be possible to implement a football model and youth system in Scotland similar to the Spanish set-up? Choosing players based on technique and skill rather than just strength and athleticism. Would this work in Scotland?Can Scotland learn to play like Spain, with an emphasis on technique over physique, and if, so how would it be possible?'

Guillem: Scotland, England and other countries, need to stop looking to abroad. Whatever you want to do, whatever style you want to play, it is all about the coaching; teaching the kids how to play with the ball. Although there is perhaps a culture of 'play it long' or 'be physical', this can change and it may take a generation or two but coaches must try to teach the kids to understand the game and the technique required to play the game.
In Spain, Barcelona pick small, technical players and Espanyol pick big, physical players- neither is right or wrong. Around about 10 - 12 years old is where the process of selection starts and there are differences and the important thing is: who is making the decisions on the players being picked.

George: Is it fair to say that Messi is a product of Barcelona, or could Messi have developed in to the player he is anywhere else in the world?

Guillem: Messi has one move and it would work everywhere- he is like a rock falling down a hill, he just picks up speed and goes past or through obstacles. He picks the ball up in the last third and runs at players towards the goal- Barcelona have not changed this, it's what he has always done, rather Messi has changed Barcelona. In Britain, he would have been a winger but perhaps coaches would have misunderstood his talents- it was Guardiola who recognised his talents and put Messi at the centre of the team. Barcelona is a team built around Messi's talents and not the other way around.

George: All the best teams: Milan, Liverpool, Barcelona have had an identifiable style with their success. Would you agree and how important is having a style/philosophy to being not only successful but hailed as a great side?

Guillem: I completely agree. However, you don't always get it right the first time, you have to make mistakes to learn, and what you need is a philosophy to work toward- that allows you to get players and coaches who fit your team.
With Barcelona it wasn't 'A-B-C: things all worked', they got it right, got it wrong and got it right again. What Barcelona did get right was having all the youth teams, right through to the first team, playing in the same way. They also got the best players around. When you get this right you end up winning.
But a philosophy is not something that you get today and it starts to work tomorrow, you will be tested when things go wrong and you have to stick with your philosophy, your plans. This is what Barcelona has done.

George: With that in mind: if you were to manage a team, how would they play?

Guillem: You have to want to be the protagonist, you want to entertain people. To do this, you have to build from the back. You need centre-backs who can pass and centre-midfielders who get into the opposition box. Although, I'd like my team to play with a bit more pace than certain years of Guardiola's team.

George: At my club I work with youngsters and wonder is it more important to emphasise learning or winning? And at what age should results start to matter?

Guillem: Results always matter. Even from five years old the result counts BUT it is not, cannot be, the most important thing. You need to strike a balance, which is difficult to do, but you have to look at it like this: are you a professional club who trains professional players or a club that wants to develop people?
Being a professional player is something completely different but as a young player you learn so many things, for example discipline and delivering your ambitions. Even at Barcelona, coaches want their teams to win.

George: Finally, with it being the festive season- what are your favourite memories of Xmas/New Year?

Guillem: I love the tradition, to be with my family and seeing the start of a new year. Although, I remember one year I was working in Liverpool and everyone goes out of the pub before coming back in at midnight- I thought this was crazy but good!

Guillem and his guest Albert Ferrer (ex-Barcelona) and Gab Marcotti were kind enough to sign a Giffnock SC shirt for us.
Photo: My Giffnock SC shirt signed by (left to right) Gabriele Marcotti, Albert Ferrer and Guillem Balague- fantastic night and fantastic bunch of guys. We'll get the shirt hung up in Norwood or Eastwood Park. Also, I'll have a blog with my Q&A with Guillem published early next week. #footballfootballfootball

What do you think of Guillem's thoughts? Sound off in the comments section!

Thursday 21 November 2013

21st November

Girls Football
Having visited Sweden in March this year, Bernie Airlie, Head Coach of Girls Football (amongst many other roles) , came back with the information that the Swedes have girls making up around 20% of their club memberships. So, we have set this as a target for our club, which means growing our 50-odd girls to around 200!

In order to achieve this, I have been visiting Carolside Primary (P5/6) on Mondays, Netherlee Primary (P5) and Woodfarm High (S1) on Thursdays to offer free girls-only football either at lunchtime or after school in association with the Active Schools Co-ordinators. A club will start in Busby Primary from December on a Wednesday afternoon.
Woodfarm Co-ordinator, Marie Baxter, has already asked us to continue this programme for the Woodfarm cluster primary schools in January 2014. Hopefully the other schools/co-ordinators will take us up on this great offer so that we get as many girls as possible playing the game regularly!

Swedish Visitors
Two weekends ago, around 20 members of the Swedish/Stockholm FA and club representatives were over in Scotland visiting as part of an exchange programme between FAs. Scottish FA Club Development Officer Danny Bisland recommended that as well as visiting St Mirren the Swedish coaches check out our very own Soccer Centre.
On a cold, winter morning (apparently not as cold as in Sweden!) we guided our guests around the Soccer Centre, down to our building site in Eastwood Park and finally onward to our fantastically renovated pavilion at Norwood Playing Fields. The Swedes spoke about their clubs' setups and asked about our own before being treated to a drink, pie and sausage rolls, as well as the great hospitality of Jim and Alan Dobson- thanks guys!

European Connections
Giffnock SC Chairman Joe McKerns and the Football Development Officer (me) made the trip to visit the Town Twinning Association's Networking Meeting last weekend to promote the club, our International Football Festival 2014 and establish links with even more European football clubs. Joe presented to the committee and the local authority of Borken was sold on establishing links. We spent Saturday afternoon visiting a number of sports clubs in the area with the Sports Development Officer for the town. At the meeting were representatives from towns in Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany and England.
This was a fantastic opportunity and the hospitality was exceptionally good- we're looking forward to the next meeting already!

More Awards
Following on from winning Best Community Club in Scotland 2013 and Giffnock SC Treasurer/Administrator/Soccer Centre Coach/Girls Football Head Coach/Committee member/everything in between, Bernie Airlie, winning West Region Volunteer of the Year 2013- Giffnock SC has also been well represented at this year's East Ren Council Awards.
The winners of these great awards are as follows:

Volunteer of the Year – Stewart Daniels
Young Persons Coach of the Year – George Milliken
Young Coach of the Year – Murray Donaghey

And Finally…
Giffnock SC are still looking for players form our Soccer Centre to get involved with our annual trip to the Konika Minolta Cup in ALbertslund, Denmark but spaces are filling up fast.
Our Club Committee minutes are now available on the website
Keep an eye on the facebook, twitter and website for details on the Soccer Centre as the cold weather starts to kick in and also the Mearns Castle exams make the indoor halls unavailable.

As always, please leave your comments and feedback in the section below, and thanks for reading.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Hello to everyone reading. I thought I'd be writing a monthly blog but with all the stuff going on in the club it's more like a week-and-a-halfly! So, here's the latest...

Seeing as its Halloween on Thursday we'd like to encourage as many players (and coaches!) to come to training in costume as possible. Obviously there are restrictions to what you can move in but costumes can be worn to training and team photos done before removing for the football.

Stockholm FA visit to Scotland
Around 20 members of the Stockholm FA will be visiting Glasgow in the next fortnight and as part of this they wish to see how we run our Soccer Centre at Giffnock! The group of Swedish coaches will visit the Soccer Centre, which runs between 9-12 on Saturday at Mearns Castle (Newton Mearns), and look at how our club involves as many players as we do.

Coaches In-service

Our first Giffnock SC Coach In-service will take place on the 22nd of November and will be titled 'Tricks of the Trade'; aimed at giving the coaches at P1-4 some of the wee tips that make a session run smoother and maximise time spent coaching. I will be looking for Soccer Centre boys to participate as runners for this Friday night. Details to be confirmed.

Connor Daniels Level 1.3 Coaching in the Game
Connor Daniels (17) is a midfielder with the 1996 Thistle team and has been combining his st with coaching voluntarily with East Renfrewshire Football Development over the past 18 months. Connor will complete his Scottish FA Level 1.3 Coaching in the Game certificate this Sunday- making him one of the highest qualified coaches in the club- so I'd like to invite you all to join me in saying 'Congratulations' to Connor!
Connor will now be working as one of the lead coaches at the Girls U7 session at The Pitches (Pollokshaws) which is on every Sunday 11-12.

1996 captains
Ever wonder what's so great about playing for Giffnock SC? Well, James Lea (17, Mearns Castle High, left) and Paul McKerns (17, formerly of St Ninian's High, right) are the captains of the 1996 Thistle and Saltire teams respectively and also a coach at the club. The lads answer that question and some others in the first of our Giffnock SC Player Files which will be available on the club website.


Tournament #giffnockscfestival14

The Giffnock SC International Football Festival will be running for its third year this May, 24/25s from further afield- currently we have Danes, English, Irish and Scots attending. 
The official hashtag of the festival will be #GIFFNOCKSCFESTIVAL14 and I'd encourage you to use it in all social media messages/tweets/chats that you have so that we raise the profile of our great Festival.
Also, if you know of/have contact with any foreign sides please get in touch with me ( and I will pass this on to our tournament organising committee.
SecuriGroup will once again be our principal sponsor of the event.

Please do leave comments, your feedback is appreciated. Thanks!